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Category: Money

  1. Orca free share worth up to £200

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    Update... 3rd June 2022... ORCA IS CLOSING DOWN!  This offer is no longer valid as Orca is closing down!

    Don't worry, I have loads more free money offers just like this!

    Find loads of ways to make extra money at home on my blog, as well as my favourite side hustle in my matched betting blog!

    To get started, you can make money online uk with these 60 ways I’ve tried and tested.  

    Follow these steps to make £1000 in one month at home.  

    Or, if you’re short on time, try these methods to make money in one hour.

    Love sharing great offers with friends?  Make extra cash with these refer a friend schemes.

    What do Orca say about their closure? 

    Here is copy from the email I just receieved:

    “We are really sad to announce that we are in the process of gradually closing down our business. This means we can no longer accept new customers and our existing customers can transfer to a new provider (ISAs only) or sell down their positions and transfer their money back to their accounts. 

    Your money and assets are safe.

    During this process your money and your stocks are securely held by your custodians, so there is no need to worry about not being able to access them. Please feel free to withdraw and close your account as soon as you want. If you have an ISA, please open an account at a new ISA provider and transfer your ISA to them.

    If you have not sold down your stocks and transferred your money back to your bank accounts by 02-July, we will do this on your behalf.

    Please see our Closing Down FAQ for details on what is happening, how long it will take and how it will affect you.

    If you need to contact us, you can do so through our customer support function within the app as normal.

    In order to support you in your investing journey we are arranging for a special offer from another share trading app. We’ll send information on this to you next week.

    Please note that as per Section 1, 17.3 of the Orca Terms Of Service, we are giving you notice of the termination of the agreement between you and Orca. The Terms of Service will terminate with effect 02-July-2022.

    A personal note from Denis and Fedor, the founders of Orca:

    You are the person who has supported the idea to create the coolest investment app, and for that we are eternally grateful. You know better than anyone how fast we are growing, how the product has developed, how much we have managed to do so far, and how many plans we have ahead.

    Our latest plan was to raise funding that would allow us to make our goals come true but with the Russian invasion of Ukraine a lot changed and it proved really hard to get that funding in. But we don’t stop working to make it happen.”

  2. 10 money saving travel tips

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    Many of us begin to dream up travel plans for the New Year.  The first Saturday of January is even dubbed ‘Sunshine Saturday’ as it’s usually one of the busiest days of the year for holiday bookings.  Sunshine Saturday kick starts a month of peak holiday bookings as people set about banishing the winter blues.

    Whether you are on a budget or just want to get the most for your money, it’s worth looking into tips for travelling cheaply.  By learning how to save money on travel you can get more bang for your buck and enjoy even more travel experiences this year.

    Just be sure to check the latest travel rules and make sure you are covered or can rebook easily in case of cancellations due to COVID!

    Here are 10 money saving travel tips to stop your overspending when booking your next holidays.

  3. Occupations for cheap car insurance + factors affecting premiums

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    Did you know a simple tweak to the occupation listed on your car insurance could save you money each year?  There are many factors that affect the price of your car insurance premium and you could be paying out more than you really need to.  Read on to discover the factors that affect your auto insurance premium and a great tip for how to save money on your car insurance.

  4. How to start saving money as a teenager

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    It’s really important to start learning to save money as early as possible.  Learning important money management skills such as saving will help to set you up for life whilst helping you avoid debt and money issues.  Whether you’re a parent interested in how your teen can start learning how to save more of their money, or a teen who wants to take responsibility for their own earnings and savings, read on for lots of tips on how to start saving money as a teenager.