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Category: Matched Betting

  1. Is Matched Betting A Gateway To Gambling And Is It Dirty Money?

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    Matched betting is a technique that involves placing bets on both sides of a sporting event, or on multiple outcomes of a single event, in order to take advantage of the free bets and other promotions offered by bookmakers. It is not considered traditional gambling, because the goal is not to win money from the outcome of the event itself, but rather to profit from the promotional offers of the bookmakers.

    Matched betting is generally considered to be a legal and legitimate way to make money, as long as it is done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bookmakers and within the limits of the law. It is not considered dirty money, as it is not obtained through illegal or unethical means. However, as with any activity involving money, it is important to be aware of the risks and to act responsibly and within your means.

    Still not convinced?  Read on as we delve into the politics of matched betting and why it's not actually gambling and the money earned is legitimate.

    In this article we will cover in more depth:

    • Is matched betting gambling?
    • What is matched betting?  Why isn't it gambling?
    • Matched betting made easy
    • Is matched betting a gateway to gambling?
    • Is matched betting dirty money?
    • Are you a gambler without realising?
    • Is matched betting ethical?
    • Is matched betting legal?
    • The truth about matched betting
    • Is matched betting risk-free?
    • Is matched betting for you?
  2. Does matched betting affect mortgage application?

    Posted on

    One question I see raised time and again about matched betting is whether it affects a mortgage application.   In this blog post I am going to explore my own experience of applying for a mortgage whilst being a matched bettor.

    Our fixed deal was coming to an end and so we applied for a new mortgage at the end of last year to lock in a great new fixed rate.  It was the first time I had applied for a mortgage since starting matched betting two years ago and so I was slightly nervous to whether matched betting affected my credit score and if my mortgage application would be denied.