In recent months I have been converted to the many benefits of period pants! For a good year or more, I had seen period pants popping up everywhere on social media newsfeeds and even in High Street stores. I’d been curious to try them for a while, but somehow only got to buying myself a few pairs just over six months ago. Now I’ve been using them monthly for six months I’m in a good position to explain how period pants work, what are the benefits of period pants and what are the disadvantages. Plus, we’ll explore how they can save you money and time, two of my favourite benefits so far! I’ll delve into exactly how much my period pants are saving me each year and how popular period pant company WUKA has just released a revolutionary product, WUKA Stretch, for those who have no idea what size to order! Buckle in and get ready for your ultimate guide to period pants and whether they’re right for you!