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5 Easy Ways to Boost Employee Morale

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The results are in: good employee morale is good for business. From improving productivity to lowering employee turnover rate, having a happy team of staff offers significant advantages that can ultimately benefit the company’s bottom line.

Of course, business owners can’t expect that their staff will automatically be thrilled to come into the office. Instead, businesses should actively encourage employee happiness by utilising strategies that have been shown to be effective at boosting morale. We’ll run through a few easy-to-enact strategies below.  


Encourage Work-Life Balance

Your employees will be passionate about what they do — but they also need to have their own life outside of the office. Businesses can encourage employee well-being by adopting practices that allow for a healthy work-life balance. This can include allowing employees to work from home a couple of times a day, offering generous paid time off, and having set finish times. 

By adopting these measures, businesses can increase the chances that their employees are well-rested, have time to invest in their well-being, and that they avoid burnout. This can lead to a happier workplace, reduce turnover, and make it more likely that team members will recommend others to apply for jobs at your business. 

Office Snacks and Drinks

Looking for an easy, effective, and delicious way to make your team happier? Then look at offering free snacks and drinks in the office. This is a tried-and-tested, simple way to give your staff a happiness boost, and it can also boost productivity since it means that your employees can get their much-needed snacks and caffeine boosts without having to leave the office. It’s easy enough to install a commercial coffee machine in the office and offer dried fruit, cashews, and other healthy snacks to your team, yet the impact can be significant. After all, who doesn’t love easy access to delicious coffee and treats when they’re working?


Invest in the Workplace 

Employees don’t only care about what they do; they also care about where they do. A light, spacious, and well-designed workplace will always be favored over one that’s dark and cramped. If it has been some time since you last updated your worksite, look at getting it a bit of a refresh. Working to allow more natural light into the space, adding a few plants, and hanging art on the walls can all make a huge difference. 

Allow Dogs in the Office

If possible, consider allowing your employees to bring their pets to work. This won’t just make the owner’s life easier, but it can also lead to an improvement in the atmosphere of the office. In one study, it was found that dog-friendly offices experienced more productivity, lower stress levels, and even less absenteeism. 

Hire Good People 

Finally, keep in mind that negative or mean employees can have a disproportionate impact on team morale. When hiring staff, look beyond the skills and experience, and make sure that they’re, first of all, good people. New recruits with a positive attitude can seriously enhance the mood of the office.