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Grow Your Audience with Money-Saving Tips via Email Marketing

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According to Forbes Magazine, the estimated revenue from email marketing in 2024 is around $12.33 billion. Email remains one of the most effective ways to reach your user base, and if you want to share money-saving tips with your audience, there’s no better way to do it! 

This year, Americans are reporting higher incomes than ever before, but one-third of all Americans still feel uncertain about having sufficient retirement funds. This is why sharing money-saving tips has so much potential if you want to increase the engagement with your communication. 

In this article, we’ll cover how you can leverage email marketing to share regular money-saving tips, exclusive deals, and updates with your subscribers. We also highlight strategies for creating engaging content that drives traffic back to the blog, driving newsletter sign-ups, and building a loyal audience. 

Grow Your Audience with Money-Saving Tips via Email Marketing

How you can leverage email marketing to share money-saving tips

  1. Regular tips and advice

Start a regular weekly or monthly newsletter with useful tips in each issue, either as a curated list or a specific tip. For example, “5 easy ways to slash your grocery bill.”

If you don’t want to commit to a specific newsletter or email cadence, you can send a stand-alone campaign with a guide or handbook on financial advice around topics like budgeting or retirement planning.

  1. Exclusive deals and discounts

Another interesting opportunity is to partner with local or target businesses and share exclusive deals for the partner’s products or services. For example, “3 discounts you can apply for your next Amazon purchase.”

You can also highlight time-sensitive or holiday sale announcements, or a curated list of businesses that offer a sale at the same time. For example, “10 stores with a killer fourth-of July sale going on.”

  1. Case studies and success stories 

If you have a good community built out, you can tap into this community and share their success stories of financial planning and budgeting through your emails. These stories can be inspirational and will motivate people to save more. 

For example, “Read how Sarah championed her way into early retirement on a teacher’s salary!”

You can also encourage your readers to submit their own stories if they’d like to be featured. This increases engagement and readership. 

Strategies for creating engaging email content

  1. Consistent scheduling

If you’re sending out a newsletter, create a schedule for your brand and stick to it. This ensures that readers look out for your email at the scheduled hour, giving you potentially higher engagement and open rates. When readers associate your newsletter with consistency and reliability, they automatically start to trust your brand more.

  1. Compelling subject lines

The subject line is arguably the most important piece of real estate for an email. This is because it has the power to get your emails opened or sent to the trash, and if your emails are sent to the trash often, you risk getting flagged for spam. 

To keep your open rates high and spam rates low, ensure that you create compelling, relevant subject lines. These should directly convey the essence of the email and compel readers to open them. 

  1. Value-driven content

Your financial insights newsletter shouldn’t contain fluff and irrelevant content just to hit email sending goals or engagement numbers. Don’t get tempted by vanity metrics.

Instead, ensure that you send a good amount of value-driven content, in the form of actionable tips or strategies they can implement right away. If it’s a long-term goal, try to build a story around it to make it inspirational.

  1. Visual appeal

One of the most important email marketing best practices is creating visual appeal. Include images wherever possible and make them relevant to your content and subject line. 

This will increase reader engagement and ensure that readers don’t just glance and delete your emails.

  1. Segmentation and personalisation

Try to segment your user base based on age, priorities, or other demographic and psychographic data. Personalise your emails accordingly. For example, if you have a wide Gen Z school-going audience, personalise the language in your email to that of a school-level understanding of finance. Meanwhile, for a segment with an older user base, like Millennial or Gen X parents, try to include snippets about the cost of education and saving up for their kids’ college.

  1.  Include a call-to-action (CTA)

With every email you send out, include a CTA that’s as relevant to the content as possible. It doesn’t always have to be a conversion-focused CTA, it can link to any other marketing objective you have. 

For example, you can include a CTA that invites readers to subscribe to your newsletter or blog. You can also include one with a clear loyalty benefit such as a membership discount or special deal.


Relevance is your way to a higher engagement and the topic of money is very universal. So if you’re looking to increase the amount of interactions with your audience, sending money-saving tips to your readers via email marketing is a great starting point. 

Why not sign up for my own money-saving newsletter?