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How To Edge Your Mental Wellness In The Right Direction

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The world is pretty advanced, in some areas at least, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good for us. In fact, the data tends to show the opposite. The number of people living with a mental health condition has risen considerably in recent decades, with some studies suggesting that the number of people living with anxiety or depression has climbed some 20% since the 1990s.

Mental health conditions can affect anyone, regardless of social position or background. The best treatment for mental health conditions is, of course, prevention. Even if you’re feeling well, it’s important to actively invest in your mental conditioning in the same way you would your physical wellness.

In this post, we’ll look at some handy tips which, when combined together, should help to nudge your mental well-being in the right direction. 

How To Edge Your Mental Wellness In The Right Direction

Spend Some Time Outdoors

Many of us spend the bulk of our time in an urban environment. While there’s a level of convenience to this way of living, it’s important to remember that it would look pretty odd to our ancestors, who lived their lives much closer to nature than we do. Studies have shown time and time again that spending time in green environments can produce a significant improvement in an individual’s mental health. Try to spend at least two hours a week in nature, either all at once or broken up into chunks. 

Regularly Work Up a Sweat

From the outside, it can seem that people who go to the gym do so for vanity reasons — as in, they want to improve how they look. But that’s not the primary reason most people spend time in the gym. They do so because it can have a transformative effect on mental health. Working up a sweat releases endorphins, the happy chemical, plus releases stress and anxiety. So make a habit of going — you really will notice the difference. Think you don't have enough time?  Here's how to fit exercise into a busy schedule.

Invest In Downtime

Modern life is stressful, there’s no doubt about it. It can seem like there’s always something that we have to do. With so much on our plates, many of us are forgetting that relaxing is an imperative part of the human experience. You can boost your mental well-being by truly investing in your downtime. If you find this difficult, then buy some CBD and chamomile tea, create a comfortable living environment, and find a relaxing hobby (reading, for instance). You can’t always be moving — spend some time on the couch!

Good-For-You Activities 

You are what you do. If you’re engaging in habits that have a negative impact on your mental health, such as spending each evening in a bar, then you can’t be surprised if your happiness levels aren’t as high as you’d like them to be. Try to build in some good-for-you activities into your everyday life. For example, yoga, meditation, and breathwork have all been shown to be highly effective at keeping stress at bay, and none of them require all that much time. In fact, half an hour of time is all you need.