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How to cope with psoriasis

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Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. The symptoms are raised patches of red, dry, itchy skin. Although psoriasis can be very frustrating and even embarrassing, it doesn't have to be hard to cope with. Keep reading to learn about how you can manage this disease.


Have you had itchy skin just out of nowhere? Is it making you uncomfortable such that you are even afraid of going out in public? Well, there is a probability that you might have psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin and is characterized by the growth of itchy, red, and scaly patches. This disease commonly affects the scalp, knees, trunk, and elbow, although it can also affect other body parts such as hands, face, or even feet. Psoriasis is termed chronic since it has no known cure.

Symptoms of psoriasis 

Psoriasis is characterised by several symptoms, which include:

• Red patches on the patient’s skin

• Small scaling spots are often visible on the skin

• Itching skin

• Thickened and ridged nails

• Dry skin that often bleeds when you scratch it

• Stiff joints

Common triggers of psoriasis

There are several triggers of psoriasis, and some of the most common ones include:

Cold weather

For any person with a psoriasis history, it’s always advisable not to visit cold-weather regions since this can trigger the symptoms of the disease. However, staying with your prescribed medication is recommended, even if it’s winter, other than searching for warmer places for your vacation. 


High levels of stress, which is termed chronic stress, can cause a surge in psoriasis symptoms. By avoiding too much stress, you reduce the risk of experiencing severe symptoms of the disease. You can avoid stress by meditating, talking to someone, exercising, and accepting things you cannot change.

Skin injuries

An injured skin is more susceptible to psoriasis since scratches, bug bites, and sunburns can cause a severe outbreak.


Illnesses affect your immune system. For example, diseases such as tonsilitis, throat infection, and even bronchitis reduce the strength of white blood cells, thus exposing the body to the flare-up of conditions including psoriasis.

Alcohol consumption

You can experience more outbreaks if you are a frequent alcohol consumer. By regulating the amount of alcohol you drink, you can save your money and reduce the frequency you experience psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis treatment 

Unfortunately, psoriasis currently has no cure. But treatment is available to reduce inflammation, soften the scales, and reduce the rapid growth of skin cells.

What are the treatment options for psoriasis?

Here are the most common approaches when it comes to treating psoriasis.

Systemic medication

This treatment works well for patients with severe to moderate symptoms who have not responded well to other medications. However, since some drugs have some serious side effects, they are prescribed as short-term medication. Some of the most common medications used for psoriasis include Retinoid, cyclosporine, methotrexate, and biologics. Talk to your doctor to confirm if this psoriasis treatment will work for you. 

Topical treatment

This is a type of treatment where ointments and creams are directly applied to the skin to help reduce severe to moderate psoriasis. Those topical treatments include topical moisturizers, anthralin, salicylic acid, and topical corticosteroids. Your doctor will help you choose the best topical treatment for psoriasis.

Light therapy

A type of treatment that mainly uses natural light or ultraviolet light - this therapy aims to reduce rapid cell growth caused by abnormal cells attacking healthy ones, hence limiting flare-ups of the disease.

Benefits of keeping psoriasis under control

Even though psoriasis is not lethal, it is still quite essential to keep it under control. Here are some of the reasons you should visit the doctor if you experience psoriasis symptoms.

• Keeping psoriasis under control reduces inflammation on the body, which can help reduce the risk of other diseases, including psoriatic arthritis. 

• Keeping the disease under control will stop the disturbing itch that makes you damage your beautiful skin.

• You will get rid of any scales that may have developed as a result of psoriasis.

Whatever your motivation for keeping psoriasis under control is, talk to your dermatologist first, and they will help you choose the best treatment.