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Money Making Mums Blogger Interview: Claire from This Mummy Rocks

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This week I’m interviewing Claire.

Welcome to my Money Making Mums Interview.  This series is all about mums being able to make money from home.  Can you tell me what you do from home to make money?

I am an OFSTED registered childminder

What makes it suitable for mums?

If you have a passion for teaching, learning and children, this certainly is the profession for you

What do you love about working from home?

I love working from home as I am a mummy to 5 boys, 2 with additional needs. My boys need their Mummy.

What are three negatives to working from home?

My house isn’t my own until after the last minded child has left

My own children have to share me


If you could only pick one, either working from home or working in an office for the rest of your life, which would you pick?

Definitely working from home. I worked in a bank for 9 years before working from home. I couldn’t go back to working for someone else. I found that others can and will hold you back; they have power over your future career prospects. Whereas being self-employed, I know what I want from my business and no one can stop my progression but myself.

Lots of people say they’d find it hard to stay motivated if working alone at home.  What keeps you motivated?

My motivation is my family and the children I care for. Knowing that I can be at home for my own family but also provide a loving, caring and learning rich environment for other children while their parents are at work. Also watching the children in your care progress, knowing that you have been a part of that. It’s an honour.

Do you have a favourite quote to keep you inspired?

I absolutely adore quotes as a use of motivation and inspiration. One of my favourites has to be ‘Set goals, Stay quiet about them, Smash them, Congratulate yourself, Repeat, Compete every day.

Do you have any advice or words of wisdom to share with mums wanting to make their own income from home?

Definitely do your research, look into your business ideas, make sure there is a market out there and interest, be prepared to invest time and effort into your business. It won’t happen over night.

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Thank you so much to Claire for taking part in my guest series.

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