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What a girl wants

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All through the year we have so many opportunities to present our loved ones with the perfect gift. The trouble is, with so many events through the year that are appropriate for gift-giving, it can get so hard to find something, especially when buying for your mother/daughter/sister or even wife. So how do you choose the perfect present for the female in your life?

Trying to buy a gift that is utterly perfect is a daunting prospect. Each time you set out to buy another gift, you think about the last one you bought and wonder how you could do better or if they would love something completely different this time.

The most important part of gift giving is knowing your audience. You wouldn’t buy a set of spare tyres for the girl you love, unless she was heavily into cars or very accident prone. It takes some creativity, consideration and a lot of patience to find the perfect, unique gift for your girlfriend. So, what do you do when you’ve run out of ideas for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, her birthday and your anniversary?

Well, you check out the list of tips we’ve got here for buying the perfect gift for your loved one. Some people are hard to please, others are easy to buy for, but with our tips you will hopefully be able to plan the perfect gift.

How to choose the perfect present for the female in your life:

How to choose the perfect present for the female in your life

Always plan ahead

When it comes to giving a gift, you need to plan your budget. You’re also giving yourself time to save, and this can make the difference between being able to buy that coveted Apple watch or buying a personalised gift that means a lot. How you choose to shop for your gift will also need to be planned, as if you are buying online you will need to give yourself time for the delivery to get to you.

Brainstorm your ideas

List the things you know that she likes. This could be anything from her favourite bottle of wine with a personalised label, to the diamond tennis bracelet she’s always dreamed of. Also write down what you like about her! Girls always love gifts that are well thought out and meaningful and if you love her in the colour yellow and you’ve spotted the perfect yellow scarf, then you have a great gift idea. Personal gifts are always loved, and making it personal to you both will be so wonderful to receive.

Practical is okay sometimes!

Not many people will admit it, but sometimes a practical gift is a thoughtful and great idea. If you’re a health freak like me then a new blender is a win! If she’s dropped hints about a set of beautiful chef’s knives or a funky new coffee machine, then pick up the hints. A good gift that is also practical would be one that is perfect for her but that she wouldn’t spend her own money on as she thinks it’s too much. This is your opening!

Ask her directly

Women are notorious for not knowing what they want, but if you have the chance, ask her directly what it is she would like. There may be something very specific she is eyeing up for her birthday and is dropping hints but you haven’t picked them up. There is nothing wrong with being direct in your question, as this pretty much guarantees you’ll get the exact gift that is perfect for the next event.

Get a little personal

Sometimes, taking the initiative to personalise a gift is the best thing you could do for your other half. This lets you show that you've been thoughtful and demonstrates you've made a proper effort. A photo collage of your favourite snaps together is a nice affordable option. One increasingly popular gift option is to buy your partner personalised private plates for their car, this might be their name or something like a nickname, since they'll see it every time they go to their car, it will remind them of you. The amount of thought that goes into personalised gifts like this show your love and they are always very much appreciated. Gifts with monetary value is one thing, but the sentimental value is quite another!

Doing something nice works

Gifts are often overrated from the local shops and if your wife has just become a mother, gift her your time. Perhaps create your own vouchers to clean the house from top to bottom, or run a candle lit bath. Maybe offer to take the baby out for the morning or change the nappies for an entire day!  These kinds of gifts are like gold dust for a new and overwhelmed mum!

Your gift giving technique is going to depend on your creativity and how well you know your other half – take inspiration from everywhere and most of all, the person you love.


Struggling to find a gift for him?  Check out this list of unique gift ideas for him!