Braces tightening - what happened at my 6th tightening
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This tightening whizzed round as it’s only been four weeks since my last. My orthodontist wanted to get me in before Christmas and the New Year madness!
Changes since last appointment:
- Left lateral incisor gap has opened up too much, so 7mm now, but needs to be 6mm.
- Right lateral incisor gap is now 5mm, but needs to my 6mm. This is taking longer as it catches on a bottom tooth (hence the biting blocks!)
- Bottom teeth are beginning to align. They’re not there yet though as it was only the 2nd out of 4 wires.
What they’ve done this appointment:
- Tightened the top wire
- Changed the bottom wire for the 3rd thickest (only one more after this one)
- Elastics to the top left to pull my peg tooth into the middle of the lateral incisor gap. This is where my dentist wants it positioned for a veneer.
- Elastics to top right to pull my canine back one more millimetre to create 6mm lateral incisor gap ready for eventual false tooth on a bridge.
- First set of elastics at the bottom to pull my front teeth together to close all the gaps – the most noticeable being about a 3mm gap between the bottom front teeth.
- Build up the biting blocks as they’d worn down. Now I feel like my teeth are about 1cm apart and it’s hard to close my lips. I have to really force my mouth closed! They will stop the teeth catching on each other though and speed it up, so it’s worth it.
Plans for next appointment:
- Elastics going from top to bottom teeth! Oh my! I believe this is to start closing ALL the gaps and I assume it’s a more effective way of doing it as it sounds really awkward! The orthodontist said she’ll wait until after Christmas for this one, so it sounds like it will be tricky to eat/talk?!
- Take an impression of my huge right lateral incisor gap for a temporary false tooth! Woohoo! This gap should be 6mm by the next appointment and she asked if I was self-conscious about it. I wasn’t expecting a false tooth until the retainer stage, so if I can have something sooner that will be amazing. It will also help me to imagine the final results as I can’t picture them in my head at all with so many gaps at the front!
- Change bottom wire for the thickest and final wire which is a steel wire to finalise the alignment and keep them there.
It’s all going well and any pain is worth it. I could even have the brace off by the end of 2017 if I’m lucky!
My entire braces & false teeth journey from start to finish!
First orthodontist consultation
Making the decision to get false teeth and braces at 30
Braces booking appointment and moulds
Dentist appointment to check teeth for removal
Two baby teeth removed ready for adult braces
What happened at my first brace tightening appointment
4 months with adult braces and another tightening appointment
One week after my third braces tightening
Bottom brace fitting and biting blocks
6th brace tightening and update
7th brace tightening and update
Elastics added to my braces from top to bottom
False tooth impression taken for my brace
Temporary false tooth on brace
Braces closing gaps and improving overbite
13th braces tightening appointment
22 months with an adult brace before and after
15th tightening appointment braces photos
2 year update with adult braces
17th brace tightening at 24 months with an adult brace
My last braces tightening appointment?
The embarrassing day I get my top brace removed
Essix retainer with false tooth - fitting and photos
20th braces tightening appointment
28 months - bottom brace removed!
12 reasons I hate the clear Essix retainer
Hawley retainer fitting appointment
The partial denture disappointment
5 weeks until I get my bridges and false teeth!
The final result of my braces at 30 and false teeth