50 things that make me happy
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I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers posting 50 things that make me happy blog posts. I think you’re meant to be tagged to join in, but I’m not really sure what that means and I thought it would be fun to post mine anyway! Well, this is not everything that makes me happy, but an impressive 50 of them! At first I got down to 5 and thought hmmmm, maybe this is harder than I thought. But then, once you start thinking of the little things it’s actually quite easy and I could have carried on! If I’m ever having a down day I shall look at this list to remember the little things that cheer up my day!
- Sunshine
- Beautiful Beaches
- Cosy fire lit evenings
- Being with Ben, my husband
- My children
- Cacao and banana smoothies
- Pizza
- Sweet potatoes
- Tidiness
- Being organised
- Clean sheets
- A massage from my massage lady
- Space (not outer space, but spacious spaces)
- Giraffes
- My children laughing
- Ben hugs
- Feeling energetic
- Slipper boots
- Wholefoods
- My hair being brushed by someone else
- Green tea
- Walking Dead
- Blogging
- Cacti
- Holidays
- Day trips
- Views from hills
- Hill walks
- Empty laundry baskets
- A clean and tidy kitchen
- Spending time with friends and family
- Good music, outdoors in the sunshine
- Delicious vegetarian food
- Eating out
- Sales on my website
- Clear skin
- Log cabins
- Bonfires
- Christmas
- Our home cooked roast dinners
- Being able to wear a dress and flip flops and not loads of layers
- Boat trips
- Jacuzzis
- Treat night Friday
- A car that works
- Trips to Bristol
- Big rollercoasters
- Festivals (if sunny)
- Moroccan décor
- Aztec prints