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50 things that make me happy

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I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers posting 50 things that make me happy blog posts.  I think you’re meant to be tagged to join in, but I’m not really sure what that means and I thought it would be fun to post mine anyway!  Well, this is not everything that makes me happy, but an impressive 50 of them!  At first I got down to 5 and thought hmmmm, maybe this is harder than I thought.  But then, once you start thinking of the little things it’s actually quite easy and I could have carried on!  If I’m ever having a down day I shall look at this list to remember the little things that cheer up my day!

  1. Sunshine
  2. Beautiful Beaches
  3. Cosy fire lit evenings
  4. Being with Ben, my husband
  5. My children
  6. Cacao and banana smoothies
  7. Pizza
  8. Sweet potatoes
  9. Tidiness
  10. Being organised
  11. Clean sheets
  12. A massage from my massage lady
  13. Space (not outer space, but spacious spaces)
  14. Giraffes
  15. My children laughing
  16. Ben hugs
  17. Feeling energetic
  18. Slipper boots
  19. Wholefoods
  20. My hair being brushed by someone else
  21. Green tea
  22. Walking Dead
  23. Blogging
  24. Cacti
  25. Holidays
  26. Day trips
  27. Views from hills
  28. Hill walks
  29. Empty laundry baskets
  30. A clean and tidy kitchen
  31. Spending time with friends and family
  32. Good music, outdoors in the sunshine
  33. Delicious vegetarian food
  34. Eating out
  35. Sales on my website
  36. Clear skin
  37. Log cabins
  38. Bonfires
  39. Christmas
  40. Our home cooked roast dinners
  41. Being able to wear a dress and flip flops and not loads of layers
  42. Boat trips
  43. Jacuzzis
  44. Treat night Friday
  45. A car that works
  46. Trips to Bristol
  47. Big rollercoasters
  48. Festivals (if sunny)
  49. Moroccan décor
  50. Aztec prints
