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Category: Money

  1. 5 money hacks that grow your savings

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    Building a nest egg for your children? Preparing for retirement? To reach your end goal, you must take the first step towards saving. It is easier said than done, yes, but you must know that the secret to saving is simply starting and starting now.

    Saving money can be challenging but pushing through and being consistent is key. Here are five money hacks that will put you on the right path to growing your savings.

  2. 5 genius energy saving bedroom hacks that will help you save money

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    We’re always looking for ways to save money, and one of the easiest ways to keep hold of your pennies is by becoming mindful of your at-home energy use. Particularly during those cold winter months, you’ll probably find that your electricity bill goes up significantly- but you don’t have to be a victim of drastically increased bills.

  3. How to lower the cost of your home insurance

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    While home insurance can save you a lot of money if your home is destroyed or burglarised, it could be costing you a lot more than it should in premiums. Many people do not think about the cost of their home insurance, but if saving money is at the top of your mind, you should be thinking about how to lower it.  It’s one expense that you might just be able to slash. Here are lots of ways to save on your home insurance.

  4. 8 money saving tips when selling your home

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    Often, most people only think of the money they'll receive once they sell their house. But that is just not it. Some expenses come about due to the sale.  For instance, take the cost of hiring house moving services, real estate agents, legal fees, buying a new home, and so on.  Here are eight tips that will be of help to sell your home and not end up cashless.

  5. Is it a good time to move house?

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    There’s no doubt about it - the coronavirus has turned our lives upside down and some things may never return back to normal.

    For many, the lockdown has been a time of reflection, making us realise how precious our lives really are and to follow our dreams.  For some, this dream might be to uproot and move to a new location.

    The pandemic might also have changed your working life and what you value in a home.  Perhaps you now want a home with enough space for an office so you can work at home. Or a garden in case we are cooped up inside for local lockdowns or self-isolation without the ability to leave our homes.  In which case an outdoor space can be a haven!

    But, is it really a good time to move house?  Let’s take a look.

  6. Cheap DIY garden ideas

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    We’ve recently undergone a huge garden transformation.  Whilst we did splash out on some expensive porcelain patio tiles, which will hopefully last us a lifetime, and some new garden furniture as a treat, we did try to save money in many other areas to create the garden of our dreams for less.  

    If you want to update your garden on a budget then these tips, from my recent experience, might just help.  It’s amazing what you can create with some savvy shopping hacks and DIY ideas.  Here are several ways we saved hundreds of pounds on our garden makeover.  These include many simple and cheap DIY garden ideas to transform a garden on a budget!

  7. Dining room decor ideas on a budget

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    Our fixer upper house has been a labour of love for six years now.  Upon moving in we naively thought we’d be done in a matter of weeks, but had no idea how much things cost and how long it would really take to decorate the house to our taste.  Throw in having our second baby after moving in and getting married and things took even longer than we could have ever imagined.

  8. How to shop sustainable fashion on a budget

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    Just like fast food is bad for our personal health, fast fashion is bad for the health of our environment.  And in turn this will also affect our own health as we continue to use up valuable finite resources and pollute our water, sea and food through mass production of clothing we don’t need, transport of this clothing and discarding of fast fashion items we’ve barely worn.

    It’s a terrible state we’ve got ourselves into and the trend for consumerism needs to end.

    We need to put a value on the longevity of items and choose those made with renewable materials in an eco-friendly way.

    The world is changing and we consumers are waking up to the damage we have been doing to our planet.

    However, shopping ethically and sustainably for fashion can, at first, seem very expensive.  And it can be if you choose designer clothing or premium brands, but there are also lots of ways to shop sustainably on a budget which I will explore in this blog post.

  9. Saving money: how to secure your family's financial future

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    Raising a family is a marathon effort. We all want to give our children the best possible start in life, and to help them as best we possibly can. But while few of us will be able to buy our children a house, it is still possible to put some money aside to help with a deposit.  In this blog post I will explore how to practice some good money management skills when it comes to saving for your children's future.

  10. How to always get cheap cinema tickets

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    Full price cinema tickets are really expensive.  I recently read an article in a newspaper showing just how expensive a cinema trip can be.  A family of four were sent to the cinema as a test, got a ticket each for a film, a drink and food item each and the total cost was around £90!  A crazy price just to watch a film for a couple of hours with a drink and snack!

    Luckily there are lots of ways to never pay full price for a cinema ticket.  Cheap cinema tickets are possible!

    In this blog post I will share loads of ways you can get affordable cinema tickets.