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Category: Business

  1. Be tax ready for your self assessment with these tips for the self employed

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    We may only be a few weeks into January, and while there seems to be surprising news popping up every day, there is a big surprise for those of us running small and independent businesses that shouldn’t be overlooked: the self-assessment tax return deadline. 

    Yes, the deadline for those of us who need to complete a self-assessment bill is looming.  It needs to be done by January 31st. And with all the headaches that can come with it, before you go scrambling around the home office trying to find receipts, you’ll want to know how to carry out an assessment without any hitches or hiccups that could be costly.

    In this short post, we’ll look at ways to get your assessment done correctly, as well as ways to get it done without breaking a sweat. It all starts with keeping tabs on yourself.