How to save money on gas and electricity as a new couple
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Our fixer upper house has been a labour of love for six years now. Upon moving in we naively thought we’d be done in a matter of weeks, but had no idea how much things cost and how long it would really take to decorate the house to our taste. Throw in having our second baby after moving in and getting married and things took even longer than we could have ever imagined.
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Updating your living room on a budget has never been easier with a huge selection of both in-store and online home décor stores. There are even some ways to update your living room that don’t cost a penny!
Read on to discover lots of cheap and cheerful ways to update your living room décor.
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With a lot of cold weather still to come, there’s always one boring thing that we have to cough up for – heating our homes. We all need our home to be cosy during the long and cold winter days - but how can you keep your home stay warmer for longer?
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Everybody spills things. I don’t think there’s a single human being alive who hasn’t spilt something at some stage. If you have kids and/or pets then it’s inevitable something will spill on the floor, no matter how much you try to stop it. If you’ve hard floors then great - simply mop up the mess and job done. But what if you have carpet in your home? Carpeting an entire room is expensive and you can’t re-carpet every time there’s a spill or stain, so it’s wise to learn how to remove some of the most common stains so your carpet is cost-effective for years to come. Removing stains from carpets can be a little trickier than mopping a spill on hard flooring. In this blog post I’ll explore how to DIY to remove some common stains from your carpet.