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Category: Family and Lifestyle

  1. The best plans for disconnecting from routine

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    Right now, more than ever, we need to prioritise self-care and take a break from our normal routine.  Or even a break from the current routine we find ourselves in due to the global pandemic.

    Work may be more stressful than usual.  You may be furloughed, have job uncertainty or even had to have closed your business for lockdown.

    It’s important to take a step away from your regular routine to refresh your mind, destress and connect to yourself instead.

    Here are some of the best ways to disconnect from your usual routine.

  2. Wellbeing tips while working from home

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    National lockdown number two starts in England from midnight tonight.  After the government’s big push to get everyone back to work, many will now be preparing to return back home to work once again!

    Whilst working from home seems like a luxury to some, it doesn’t suit everyone.  And, combined with the uncertainty of the current economic situation, working in isolation at home can cause heightened stress, loneliness and anxiety.

  3. Is it a good time to move house?

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    There’s no doubt about it - the coronavirus has turned our lives upside down and some things may never return back to normal.

    For many, the lockdown has been a time of reflection, making us realise how precious our lives really are and to follow our dreams.  For some, this dream might be to uproot and move to a new location.

    The pandemic might also have changed your working life and what you value in a home.  Perhaps you now want a home with enough space for an office so you can work at home. Or a garden in case we are cooped up inside for local lockdowns or self-isolation without the ability to leave our homes.  In which case an outdoor space can be a haven!

    But, is it really a good time to move house?  Let’s take a look.

  4. Remote working: your flexible working rights for a better work life balance

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    Is remote working: here to stay?

    The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has totally turned our worlds upside down.  Life may never be the same again and in some ways this is great news.  If there’s one positive change that will remain once the pandemic ends then it’s the continuation of flexible working for the UK workforce.

    Flexible working arrangements and the ability to work from home have long been sought after by many employees for an improved work-life balance.  Most of us who work online or using computers already knew that our jobs can be completed just as effectively, if not better, from the comfort of our own homes.