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Category: Family and Lifestyle

  1. Top 10 secrets to a happy marriage

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    Every couple wants a happy marriage, but it doesn’t seem as easy to achieve for everyone. There are certain secrets of a happy marriage that couples who have been through all can share to help anyone that needs them. If you are deciding to go on this journey of life together, then you might as well do it happy. It all starts from when you get engaged, through the marriage planning, on to the wedding, and so on.

  2. At what age should you get life insurance?

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    Life insurance might not sound like something you need to think about until you are an older adult, but is that true?  At what age should you get life insurance and is there an upper age limit?  In this article, we’ll cover exactly what this type of insurance is, why you might need it as soon as you enter adulthood, as well as why the pandemic has prompted millions more UK citizens to take out a policy.

  3. How to prepare your last will and testament

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    A will or a testament is a law-binding document you create when you are alive, and it executes your estate plan after your death. It establishes your legal guardianship status for your child as well as the smooth transfer of your funds. The will is a comprehensive document that outlines all your assets and their distribution. It may include information about arrangements for existing accounts or care for elderly parents. 

    It is best to write your will when you are still alive. It gives you a chance to distribute your assets according to your own choice without any legal complications. 

    Your testament will decide the future of your assets and family care, so invest your time and energy while creating them. Here are the steps you can follow to get it done simply and easily.