How to protect your eyes from blue light damage with Ocushield
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Technology always moves so fast and it’s crazy to think when I was a child there were no iPads, no iPhones, not even a computer! Yep, you might be thinking I’m ancient by now, but I’m only 32. I didn’t have a laptop or the internet until I was in my twenties! We never had one at home when I was growing up and it was all kind of a new thing. Even my senior school had only just started putting in computer rooms and most of us were like ‘why would we need to use a computer?’ Ha!
My children are already whizzes on the iPads at ages five and two. It’s quite crazy, but also a sign of the times as no doubt it’s going to be imperative for most to know how to work them. I’m sure they’re going to take over our lives even more in the future, which we’re already beginning to see with the likes of voice-activated home hubs like Alexa.
There’s also a lot of negativity around children using technology so much. We sometimes depend on it a little too much to entertain our children. After all it’s an amazing way to keep them entertained and calm them if they’re being crazy! We still encourage our children to get outdoors as much as possible. It’s important to keep in touch with nature and for the children to invent their own games as well as keep active in the fresh air.
Outdoor activities don’t seem to have changed too much since I was a youngster. There are those crazy hover board things, which don’t actually hover, but that’s all I’ve really noticed that’s any different. It’s still kind of a skateboard, just with a few additions! I wonder if technology will ever catch up and take over outdoor play with some crazy inventions, or perhaps the good old fashioned ways to play outdoors will always remain.
Here are outdoor activities I enjoyed as a child and my children will too:
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Ever wondered how much of an impact veganism really has on the environment?
A leading vegan charity calculated the total savings by the 10,000 people who ate vegan for a week after signing up to its seven-day challenge, and the results are astonishing.
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